"Better Me" venture of Claps and Cheers envisions a fulfilling journey of a healthy mind and a happy life.
It helps you flow through the ups and downs in life with the required gears. Better Me equips you to manage your challenges well and emerge victorious.
Claps & Cheers
"Better Me"
it all begins with you........ Psychological Counseling Services

Better Me
......it all begins with you !
Heady - Our Brand Mascot
Is our big head and a big hearted mascot who is an omnipresent symbol of celebration. The day Claps & cheers was born, Heady shares his birthday. His only aspiration is to fulfill as many wishes and bring as many smiles as possible. He is our in house supplier of unlimited joy.
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See the world through my lens
If we all could see the world with eyes of a child, we could see magic in everything! Always keep that little place where the magic grows inside you, Alive. Children are one of the greatest lessons in happiness, they create reasons to celebrate and find their joys in the simplest of things!
These little things occupy the largest part of your heart and become precious moments to treasure always…
A child’s imagination is sans any limits and their little hands with a brush can paint the world to be the most colorful, innocent, vice less, peaceful and importantly a happy place to live in.
Beams of Better Me

We Believe...
The path to your well-being, is a sound core, strong mental health. The joy of living begins internally and grows outwards to a good life.
Grow >>> Better Me >>> Psychological Well being
Unique Value Proposition
- Each individual is unique and hence Better Me believes in customized Module Approach.
- Specializes in Women Well-being
- Child Progression and Parenting
Be Yourself
- Better Me offers a platform to express yourself in the most uninhibited and nonjudgmental manner.
-It congratulates you on making the choice to be a better version of yourself.
-“Better your Best”!
Achieve Yourself
Better Me empowers you to be the master of own life choices by achieving the desired behavior changes.
Self Assesment tools
Claps and Cheers “Better Me” is a foundation to achieve mental health and harmony!
Customized Modules
-Combination therapies
-Child Focused Modules

Mrs. Sheetal Kusumbe is a Psychologist (Applied Psychology ), CCI Certified Couselor and a Human Resource Professional for over a decade. She is the ideator of Claps and Cheers “Better Me” Venture. It aims in empowering you to achieve good mental health and wellbeing. Better Me Specializes in Child and Women behavioral and motivational counseling modules and therapies.
Better Me approaches mental health relying more on real life observation and experiences than any rule books.

Projects & Gallery
• Claps And Cheers •
"The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"!

- 8th March 2019
- Sheetal
Claps and Cheers second year of Celebrating Womanhood!
Topic : Being a woman...

- 16th to 30th April 2018
- Sheetal
Summer Special Theatre workshop "Ranbhoomi"
Shop No.1, Jhaveri Heritage Chulna Bhabhola Road, Vasai (W)
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- 13th,14th,15th, October 2017
- Sheetal
VASAI Trade Fair Exhibition
Above Vasai Sahakari Bank
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